Web Finds: Strangers' First Impressions

Do you remember Dove's Real Beauty Sketch? Well this is similar to that but with a twist. I'm not going to tell you what the twist is, but with the abundance of positive body image videos, I'm starting to believe that the world is becoming a better place. With billboards and ads enforcing a strict construct of what is beautiful, we need a little bit more inspiration to help us love the skin we're in. I would love to see more campaigns surrounding positive body image. I think it would help many, especially young people.

Let's get to it:


I love the idea of this ad, but the fact that they used able-bodied people with above-average looks kind of make the message a bit pointless. If only they used bigger girls or uglier men, it would be different. Let's face it, you will never say bad things about someone you just met on camera. That would be such a assholey thing to do. Yes, I'm very cynical, but the video has its limitations. I'm sure that in the real world, people would be more menacing towards your appearance. 

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