Web Finds: God Loves Uganda

God Loves Uganda is a documentary filmed and produced by Roger Ross Williams, an Academy Award-winning documentarian. He is the first African American to win an Oscar for directing and producing a film. For his latest endeavor, he traveled to Uganda with several American missionaries and the film explores the evangelical campaign to change African culture. Safe to say that this trailer made me gag. As a Catholic, these missionaries are preaching hate more than love.

Let's get to it:


Spreading the gospel all the way to Africa is awesome. It says in Bible to preach the Word to every corner of the Earth so I encourage missionaries to go around the world giving hope to others. But do so with love and kindness. Don't scare innocent people by telling them that God is wrathful and anyone who doesn't believe in God will burn for eternity. These are people who have probably never even heard of a divine being so don't just invade their homes and tell them they're going to rot in hell for refusing to have faith in an invisible entity. Share the Word but don't force it down their throats. Jesus never tried to force anyone to follow Him.

What's more is that missionaries absolutely loathe contraception. If you see a missionary, throw a condom at them and watch them run the other direction. Which is absolute bullshit to be honest, because married couples need condoms or birth control in order to keep the population down. You see families of 5 or 7 or 12 in poor countries. Not only do they not have the education to understand how ovulation works, they don't have the money to raise all those children either. Abortion is also illegal in most countries so that's not even an option. My grandma told me that back in the 50's, contraception weren't available in Indonesia and they had to be imported from the Netherlands but were difficult to obtain and was rather pricey. My paternal grandma had 7 kids and my maternal grandma had 10 (perhaps a few more but the infant mortality rate was pretty high back then). So yes, poor countries need contraception not only to keep the population down but also to prevent the spread of diseases. But whatever, right? Who cares about health and infant mortality rates and the future of these babies when a 4000 year-old manuscript says otherwise.

Don't even get me started on the whole homosexuality front. Too late, you got me started. What I hate about Christian fanatics when it comes to homosexuality is that they emphasize the act of sex so much that they forget what actually builds a relationship. When we talk about a married couple, do we discuss their sex life? When we see a young couple, do we ask them whether or not the girl gives good head? No, because it's none of our business. So why are Christians so hellbent on focusing on the private sex life of homosexuals? Why?

You fall in love with people's souls, not their genitals. Two people love each other the same way a man loves a woman and vice versa. Their marriage vows are no less sacred. If people think that gay marriage is an abomination on straight marriage, then outlaw divorce! People can have 12-hour marriages but god forbid two same-sex people who truly love each other get married. 50% of all marriages end in divorce and gay marriage 'ruins the sanctity of marriage'? Please, the sanctity was ruined when people started saying their vows inebriated in a white bikini in Vegas.  

That's the thing that people, especially the naive prey of missionaries, need to understand; that homosexuality is not a nasty deed, it is shared love and nothing more. It is the same love, the same intensity, the same passion, the same happiness that heterosexuals feel toward their partners. Angry picket signs always have the words 'homosexuals' and 'sodomy' on them but never love. They never focus on what actually builds a relationship and what attraction truly means. 

Raise your hand if you would marry someone solely because of sex. Would you would spend 50 years with someone you loathe simply because he or she is good in bed? I doubt it. So what makes you think homosexuals would want to spend decades together? You can't just have sex 24/7. After marriage, many argue that people have way less sex. Marriage is much more than what you do in the bedroom. It's the morning after you wake up. It's sending him or her off to work. It's celebrating that person's birthday. It's being there during the loss of your partner's father. It's raising children. It's being happy. It's being in love.

Missionaries should stop focusing on the sex part because they're spending too much time thinking about shit when they should be thinking about love.

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