Back/Forth: Why Nice Guys Finish Last

Back/Forth is a section for arguments with my friends regarding an issue and how we come to a conclusion, or close to it. These are copy-pasted from my Skype, so excuse the spelling and grammar.

Issue: Why do nice guys finish last?

Let's get to it:

Jasmine: why do you think nice guys finish last

Anonymous: Sometimes nice guys finish first. It's true. There's a right way to do everything. But in general, I think nice guys finish not first. So, I could answer your question, if you mean to ask why I think nice guys generally finish last

Jasmine: why don't girls appreciate their niceness and instead go for a guy who's more dangerous

Anonymous: Because nice guys don't challenge girls. They put them on a pedestal, one that is generally too high, if you ask me. Non-nice guys are generally more confident. They're more confident in showing that they're going to be exactly how they want to be, and they don't take shit from anyone. The behavior of someone who isn't a nice guy (generally a bad guy, or an asshole) exudes confidence whereas many nice guys overdo it, and it comes off as seeking approval

Jasmine: but why do girls look over guys who actually treat them super well and then complain that their boyfriend is being a douche. like girl, you saw all the signs. what do you expect

Anonymous: I believe, that on some biological level, women want a guy that is high status and by that I mean, high social status, he has the kind of character that is dominant, some guy that can protect them. Let's face it. Lots of social norms have been built around traditional roles, and men are still expected on many levels to play a dominant role in order to gain respect, etc. I think the qualities that a super nice guy has shows that he's subordinate to a woman's desires and works more as a servant than a mate or potential romance.

Jasmine: okay what about girls going for the blatant assholes instead of the normal good guy? good guys can be dominant too

Anonymous: Blatant assholes, again, they're super confident. they don't abide by normal social standards, they don't give a shit. it shows that they have confidence, more than a normal guy who's going to abide by standards set by society. and confidence is key. Sometimes, I think women can overlook the bad parts because the confidence is so important in a mate/potential romance/boyfriend etc. Then again, sometimes it depends on what your society values. if they're shown to value stability in relationship over love, confidence, etc, they might date a guy who's super caring over an asshole. I'm only explaining under a set of assumptions, ofcourse.

Jasmine: so a nice guy who is confident can get the girl

Anonymous: yeah.

Jasmine: its just that nice guys usually just hang around not making any good moves. So that's their mistake?

Anonymous: they're not confident, and generally, most guys just don't get girls

Jasmine: oh and you do, do you?

Anonymous: depends on the kind of girl. A lot of factors go into it, other than just skills and "Getting it"

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