Hot Topic: Why Haters Are A-Okay

Watching a ClevverTV report about Amanda Bynes dissing Miley Cyrus, the reporter felt the need to replace the word 'hate' with 'jealous'. The dislike button cannot express how much I loathe that statement. I hear people equate hate with jealousy all the time; usually to coax someone out of their abyss of self-deprecation. Raise your hand if you've ever said or heard someone say to you, "oh she/he's just jealous!" Yeah, everyone is jealous of you, o thou special snowflake! Please forgive me for ever criticizing your perfect ways because it is only to cover up my intense envy of your faultless character. Look, if you have haters, then it's not because they're jealous and secretly want to be you, it's because you're a prick. Sad truth, isn't it? Now brush those pseudo-kind friends of yours and get ones that actually tell you what you're doing wrong. Because real friends tell you the truth about yourself when everyone else doesn't. 

Let's get to it:

When my friends report to me that several people talk about me behind my back, I don't get all defensive, or cry, or complain that everyone is just oh-so-mean. I want to see what their problem is, and most of the time, I agree with it, and I will allow them to continue to talk shit about me. Because I talk shit about people too, and it would be extremely hypocritical of me to forbid others from talking about me. Let them talk, it is what people do. It's only natural for your faults to be noticed and discussed. 

I'm an imperfect person. I say the wrong things all the time, I am impulsive and I live in the now. I don't think about consequences and that hurts me and a lot of people. I am unintentionally rude and am a pretty big snob. So I know all my flaws well enough to understand why there would be people who wouldn't like my personality. When people hate me, I don't think it's because they're jealous, it's because they have finally discovered a flaw of mine and they don't want any more of it. So, dear reader, know that you are extremely flawed, so don't put yourself in such a high standard that you can't even handle a few bad-mouthing people.

Those who know they have 'haters' and go, 'fuck the haters!' do not understand the reason why they have haters. This applies to a lot of celebrities whose egos have taken over. Haters exist to show you that you have qualities that needs to be improved. Haters don't hinder your life, but they help you out. Maybe they're doing it the wrong way, but they have good intentions; they just want you to be a better person and stop pissing everyone off. But remember, haters don't equal to bullies. Bullies ruin your life, haters just talk about it.

I'm very fortunate to have a handful of best friends who can honestly tell me straight up if I'm being a taxing companion. And although most people would equate that kind of grating honesty with rudeness, I think it's refreshing. Being amidst people who constantly bring you up and sugar-coat their words can only get you so far. What you really need is people who aren't afraid to look you in the eyes and say, "you're being a bitch today." Or in my case, "you look terrible in a beanie." 

'If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all,' is the saying. But if no one ever tells you your flaws, then wouldn't you have an excruciatingly large ego? I say, say whatever you want to make someone a better person. May it be considered 'rude' or 'brutal', at the end of the day, it makes people know what they need to work on. For those at the receiving end, a bit of advice; suck it up, it's a cold world, so go get a coat. 

1 comment :

  1. sometimes this happens in asian culture only when they're suppressing their frontal attitude, so they leave people hanging.

    it pisses me off. people should have some balls to say what they wanna say straight away to the person and stop expecting about getting punched on the face.

    leaving people mulling over their own assumptions while they talk behind their backs is just plain fucking annoying and cruel.
