Web Finds: Tommy Edison Experience

Do you know how it feels to be blind? Well, no because you're reading this. But we all have questions we want to ask blind people. For example, how do they dream? Can they write? What do people look like to them? Well, Tommy Edison is a man blind since birth, and he answers your questions. He has such a positive attitude and answers them in such a funny way. Speaking of the blind, I was in a bar once and someone accidentally hit my head. He apologized by mouthing the word 'sorry', and he typed in something on his iPhone. He wrote 'birthday boy' and pointed at another boy behind me. I said happy birthday to him. But then his friend typed on his iPhone, 'we're deaf'. So that was quite embarrassing. But knowing a few sign language from watching Switched At Birth and decades of signing with my dad at church (because we can't talk at church), I signed, 'hi, I'm Jasmine, nice to meet you. Happy birthday!' both of them looked at me, mouth agape (literally). They signed me their own names and he typed on his iPhone, 'you're signing American?' and I typed, 'yes I only know American Sign Language' and I was pulled away out of the bar by a friend. But that was a cool situation.

Let's get to it:

How do blind people dream?

How do they cook food?

What are colors like to them?

How blind people use money

Best things about being blind?

"There's no race, I don't know from beauty, I know people from what comes out of their mouths and what's in their heart. It's very cool that way." 

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