Web Finds: Racism towards Miss America

Unless you've been living under a rock, you would've noticed the incessant racist tweets regarding Miss America 2013. Basically, Nina Davuluri, an American with Indian heritage, was crowned Miss America. Claps here, claps there, standing ovation here, oh look, a bigot. No wait, a plethora of bigots. Well let me get my Broom Of Humanity and wipe all the little fuckwits from the Internet and brush them towards, oh I don't know, a chasm where they can have tea with the KKK. Not coffee because they don't like anything black. It's not just the racist remarks that bother me, it's the moronic and ignorant logic behind it. There's a difference between being racist and being downright uneducated. So here are just several tweets regarding Nina Davuluri's win.

Let's get to it:
If you're #MissAmerica you should have to be American
She was born and raised in New York, what else is there to being American? Do you have to bathe in McDonald's ketchup? Wipe your nose with Burger King's hamburgers? Have a tattoo of the American flag on your lower back? What? Give me a list. Nina Davuluri had her small baby-ass delivered in the land of the free and grew up in the same bed of land. That is American as hell, aight?

She's like not even american and she won miss america
There is no such thing as a true blue American unless you're Native American. All the white people in the United States were all immigrants from Europe at one point. Ask any white person in America about their heritage and they will say something like, "Oh I'm a mix of British and German and Irish."

Um how about every other year? Honestly? Is this the first time you've watched Miss America pageants? Did you not see the contestants? It was like 95% white people, are you fucking kidding me?

This is Miss America...Not Miss Foreign Country
But she is Miss New York. She was born in Amer... oh forget it. And by the way, your last Miss USA, Olivia Culpo, is of Italian descent. Guess that doesn't make her American. Go rage about that too, you xenophobic asshole.

Well they just picked a Muslim for Miss America. That must've made Obama happy. Maybe he had a vote.
Why would President Obama even vote for Miss America? And she's not even a Muslim, oh my god. Just because you're darker skinned doesn't automatically mean you're Muslim, and the majority of Indians are Hindu but you know, whatever. It's not like these people actually care about anything else but America a.k.a The Best Country In The World, Bro.

So miss america is a terrorist
Yeah man, Indians be throwing naan around like shurikens. Beware.

I am literarily soo mad right now a ARAB won #MissAmerica
Go back to the first grade and learn proper spelling and grammar, and then look at a map, point to the Middle East, then to India, then jump off a bridge.

Nice slap in the face to the people of 9/11 how pathetic #missamerica
I know right. Because all 3000 people who died in 9/11 are all white people. All of them. All 3000. All white. No one else ever. Nobody except white people were affected by 9/11.

Egypt dancing? This is America. #MissAmerica
Firstly she was doing a traditional Indian dance. Second of all, what dance is she supposed to do? Is there an American dance? Get a pole and let her grind her ass on it. That's the traditional American dance, isn't it? Or she can roast some Turkey right in the middle of the stage. That's as American as it gets.

Miss America is a terrorist. Whatever. It's fine.
Hold up, hold up, hold up. Are you saying that anyone that are of Middle Eastern or South Asian descent are all terrorists? Do you know how many Arabs and South Asians there are living in America right now? Millions. With your logic you are surrounded by terrorists. Also, the last time America was under attack was 2001, for 1 day, and 3000 people died. While the last time Iraq was under attack was 2012 and that happened for 10 years and 650,000 people died. Who da terrorist now?

I swear I'm not racist but this is America.
You are correct. This is America. Ok. Good job.

Miss America right now or miss Al Qaeda?
It's Miss America. You're welcome for the answer. But if you were in a pageant it would be Miss Ratchet.

#MissAmerica ummm wtf?! Have we forgotten 9/11?
No, we have not. It was 5 days ago. But have you forgotten that Miss America and 9/11 aren't even remotely related. Hold up, let me make a venn diagram.

"I am so American," says a white girl, wearing clothes made in Portugal, designed in France, shoes made in Indonesia, phone from Japan, car from Germany, gasoline from Saudi Arabia, listening to a British band on a computer made in China. 

Next time you order your curry and butter chicken, remember that you're buying that from a terrorist.

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