Reviews: One Direction Concert

The morning after, my throat feels like I have ingested toxic acid. It burns, but on the bright side, I have an extremely sultry voice akin to Lauren Bacall. Liam made a joke during the concert about giving out cough syrups at the end because we're going to need it. I thought, nah, I didn't scream that hard. But turns out I did. Me, the 19 year old amongst prepubescents with One Direction shirts. I went with a friend who was probably screaming louder than me, but then again, that proves to show that I chose the right companion to come with me.

Let's get to it:

The concert itself wasn't a spectacularly exciting event. I mean, it was no Coldplay. But the thing with One Direction is that they don't need fancy lighting and shows to get the audience going. All they need to do is be there on stage, and everything else will come into place. Why? Because after seeing these boys on the tiny screen of our laptops for the past 3 years, we finally saw them perform in front of our eyes. They were real. I refused to look at the big screen next to the stage that zoomed on their faces, instead, I focused on the tiny boys on the stage. Walking around, dancing, doing their little thang. One Direction fans are surely the best fans, you have to admit.

They sang nearly every song from their Take Me Home album and three songs from their Up All Night album, one of them was Moments, in which at that point I had urinated all over myself in pure excitement. Urine, jizz, couldn't tell the difference, really. 

And when they sang Little Things I was out of my mind crazy and might have blacked out a little. Not too sure. I was awoken by Niall's angelic voice in the bridge. 

But Harry seemed so out of it. Granted, it has been their 122nd concert in their 2013 tour, and they've performed in Melbourne a few weeks ago already. They've been performing every single day since they've been in Australia, and maybe it has taken its toll on him. The others were still pumped up, jumping and dancing all over the place, but it was obvious Harry was either sad or angry. It made me feel odd knowing that he didn't want to be there performing, as if somehow it's our fault that we attended the concert. But I get it, they've been overworked. I feel really bad for them, having to work so hard and rest so little for the past 3 years.

My obsession with One Direction started a few years ago, just a little after X-Factor 2010 finished. I would watch their videos in class, watch their interviews, and slowly find myself falling in love with Louis. Then Zayn. Then Harry. Then Liam. Then Niall. When they came to Melbourne in early 2012 to test the waters with the Australian fanbase, I stalked them outside their hotel for hours on end to no avail.

I feel like I actually do love them, even though they're sellouts now (come on, makeup? Lollipops?), I still feel like they're just boys who have been exploited by their management and the media. They're moneymakers and everyone knows that.

Every time I tell someone that I am a One Direction fan (I usually say that nonchalantly, as to avoid any condescending look), they tell me I'm too old for them. Excuse me, I am 19 and all of the boys are older than me. It makes perfect sense. And when someone asks me who's my favorite, I would shrug and mutter under my breath, "Liam and Niall."

If any of you One Direction fans are going to their concert, I suggest you do. The atmosphere is palpable, and you'll be surrounded by die-hard fans who are worse than you are. I saw two girls wearing wedding dresses. No shit. It's a great experience just to see the boys in the flesh. I give the concert a 3 out of 5. Deduct two marks for the lack of 'wow' for the concert itself and one mark for Harry's doleful performance. Get well soon Harry.

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