Hot Topic: Feminine Asians

I had a not-so-subtle contention with a friend of mine before and after class. I was talking about how I am less attracted to East Asian males because they are more feminine as opposed to white, hispanic or black men. My white friend, who I thought would wholeheartedly agree (as do many people), rejected this opinion so strongly that I was taken aback at his obvious disapproval. If he was an old lady, he would be clutching his pearls and his dentures would jump out of his mouth, chattering uncontrollably on the floor. I stood by my opinion, and offered him a study by the American Psychological Association regarding how the Asian race are seen as more feminine. He still dissed me. Ugh.

Let's get to it:

I'm not saying that I'm not attracted to any Asian men, because there are definitely some (hello, Won Bin) that make my lady parts jump out and develop an embryo on the feet of said hot Asian man. Also, I've had my heart taken from me by an Asian guy, alright. I invested my time for him. I'm not completely devoid of Asian males. But I'm saying that I'm less attracted to them compared to any other race simply because they herald more feminine features. 

What are 'feminine' features, you say? Fuller cheeks, smaller jaw, smaller stature, yadda yadda, you get the idea. I'm not saying this subjectively either. Studies suggest the same. The reason why Asians have these attributes is because they have neotenic traits, which is perceived as 'cuter' and more attractive. Neotenic traits are characteristics that a baby normally possesses, such as a flattened face, broader nose, hairless body, no brow ridge, big eyes, small jaw and small teeth. Once you grow up, puberty smacks you in your cute face and gives you more adult features. Some still retain these baby-ish traits and that's why there are people who are so gosh-darn adorable! 

There are some Asians with masculine features though, and you see them all over the media. That's because the rare few masculine Asian men are seen as more attractive to a wider audience. Just look at the Korean soap operas. The men are all tall, have bushier eyebrows, bigger nose and a sharper jaw (which are most likely surgically altered). But take a look at random men around Asia and you'll find their height below average and their faces akin to the delicate features of their lady counterparts.

Not just physically are Asians more feminine, but culturally, we are more soft spoken and submissive. This isn't the case for all Asians, but compared to, say, black females, Asians will look like a couple of mute bitches. Black and white people are more boisterous than Asians, simply because we were brought up really valuing other people's privacy. Think of everyone with their own personal bubble. We don't want to pop it lest a 90 year-old Asian man whip our bare ass with his cane.

Asian men also take care of themselves more. They wear nice jeans, nice Polos, nicer shoes. They look kempt nearly all the time. I'm talking about Asians in Asia, not those ABCs that were raised in Western countries because they don't count. But Asians brought up in Asia tend to groom themselves more than other races. I'm not saying this is a good or bad thing. But over-grooming is a very female attribute, and a little sweat and B.O. is a sign of masculinity (eww boy cooties). So yes, if I had the choice between a very kempt male and a guy with bedhead, I'll choose the latter. But that's my preference. I like 'em dirty. Sometimes I come to school with a bucket of mud and splatter some male classmates with it. Gets my lady bits going. 

All jokes aside, I really do believe Asian males have such feminine mannerisms. From shyness to how they interact with other people. Especially since they don't have as much hair as other races. I'm sorry but I can't go out with someone with less hair than me. I don't want to feel like Chewbacca.

Also, don't pretend like you've never seen an Asian person and question their gender. No wonder Mulan was never caught.


  1. White men arent facially partilurly masculine and in body they arent masculine either.Native americans /Maoris/Central Asians are the only real group pf people with masculine features and masculine bodies.Blacks also have masculine bodies though their features can be both masculine and feminine.white men dont hav the natural athleticism or broad shoulders of these races.their pink skin and brighter hair colours also can be considered extremely my country if a man wears pink or Yellow hes considered likely gay,yet white men wear this 24/ asian females really are fucked in the head.also masculinity alone isnt a sign of attractiveness otherwise aboriginals would be the most attractive race.attraction is much more complex than that.

  2. Just found your article through reddit: , which BTW contains quite some interesting information if you are interested.

    As a current researcher in a major university in the US whose thinking is deeply influenced by Evolutionary Psychology, the topic of Race and Beauty is quite a facinating topic to me. What amuses me about what you've written is that, based on our research, amongst all the qualities that define a man: character, personality, social status, intelligence, creativity, sense of humor etc. etc. You picked "looks" which is on the bottom of the list to address. Yet to all men, "looks" is on the very top of their list as to what defines a woman.

    Let me tell you what this implies: here in the west "that blonde white girl with big blue eyes" is often associated with "hot, beautiful, drop dead gorgeous" while "that asian girl with dark hair, dark eyes and smooth skin" is often descirbed as "cute and feminine". This seemingly innocous statement is actually deeply infuriating because let me ask you this: would you like your future husband attracted to you because you are "gorgeous" or because you are "feminine"?
    Yet beauty is always in the eyes of the beholder. "Dark hair, dark eyes and smooth skin" can be beautiful and handsome instead of "feminine". You just have to put effort into representing it correctly. By putting down asian features in the "looks" department which BTW you share along with asian men, guess who among asian people gets hurt the most? I bet it's the gender that needs "looks" the most.

  3. Keep emasculating asian men and please kindly abort your future asian looking sons.
    Kids from WMAF couples always look asian due to dominant asian gene and
    Asian women who think asians are ugly + inferior will never be able to love their asian looking kids (especially asian looking sons).

  4. Eurasians are not even product of love but hate of asian men.
    Being asian looking son of racist white male and self hating asian women is nothing more than humiliation, defeat and emasculation.
    There will never be loving relationship between WMAF parents and their asian looking sons since eurasians will see their own asian mother as same asian women who hate asian men and sees their white father as the same white men who emasculated asian men.
    You will feel the pain when some day asian woman like you will tell your own asian looking sons that they don't date asian men.

  5. Everybody needs community to back them but White community will never accept eurasians because they are not full white and asian community will also never accept eurasians since eurasians remind them of emasculation and humilation from WMAF couples.

  6. Problems faced by eurasians borned from racist white dad and self hating asian mother can be found on following links:

  7. Asians are not inferior than white but asian are different from whites like different breeds of dog. And even different breeds of dogs like their own breed and play with their own kind.
